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Issue List
Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic
Copyright © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Volume 9, Issues 4-6, Pages 113-302 (21 April 2000)
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Customizing lipases for biocatalysis: a survey of chemical, physical and molecular biological approaches REVIEW ARTICLE
Pages 113-148
Pierre Villeneuve, Jean M. Muderhwa, Jean Graille and Michael J. Haas
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Arg-94 is crucial to the catalysis of 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase from Thermus thermophilus HB8 ARTICLE
Pages 149-155
Masaaki Fujita, Yumiko Toyooka, Hideyuki Tamegai, Tadashi Eguchi and Katsumi Kakinuma
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Chemoenzymatic synthesis of (1S,2R)-1-amino-2-indanol, a key intermediate of HIV protease inhibitor, indinavir ARTICLE
Pages 157-161
Ayhan S. Demir, Haluk Hamamci, Fatos Doganel and Emine Ozgul
Abstract | PDF (130 K)
Chloroperoxidase-catalysed oxidation of alcohols to aldehydes ARTICLE
Pages 163-172
Eero Kiljunen and Liisa T. Kanerva
Abstract | PDF (114 K)
Reaction of manganese-dependent peroxidase from Bjerkandera adusta in aqueous organic media ARTICLE
Pages 173-182
Shinichi Yoshida, Akinobu Chatani, Yoichi Honda, Takashi Watanabe and Masaaki Kuwahara
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Lipase catalysed synthesis of diacyl hydrazines: an indirect method for kinetic resolution of chiral acids ARTICLE
Pages 183-191
M. A. P. J. Hacking, F. van Rantwijk and R. A. Sheldon
Abstract | PDF (141 K)
Synthesis of optically active small alpha, Greek-monobenzoyl glycerol by asymmetric transesterification of glycerol ARTICLE
Pages 193-200
Yasuo Kato, Isao Fujiwara and Yasuhisa Asano
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Lipase catalyzed reactions of aliphatic and arylaliphatic carbonic acid esters ARTICLE
Pages 201-208
M. A. P. J. Hacking, F. van Rantwijk and R. A. Sheldon
Abstract | PDF (107 K)
Microbiological transformations 44. Optimisation of a new Baeyer–Villigerase activity: application to the stereospecific oxidation of 3-phenylcyclobutanone ARTICLE
Pages 209-217
Véronique Alphand and Roland Furstoss
Abstract | PDF (225 K)
Modulation of immobilized enzyme activity by altering the hydrophobicity of nylon-grafted membranes: Part 1. Isothermal conditions ARTICLE
Pages 219-230
M. M. El-Masry, A. De Maio, S. Di Martino, N. Diano, U. Bencivenga, S. Rossi, V. Grano, P. Canciglia, M. Portaccio, F. S. Gaeta and D. G. Mita
Abstract | PDF (298 K)
Modulation of immobilized enzyme activity by altering the hydrophobicity of nylon-grafted membranes: Part 2: Non-isothermal conditions ARTICLE
Pages 231-244
M. M. El-Masry, A. De Maio, S. Di Martino, U. Bencivenga, S. Rossi, B. A. Manzo, N. Pagliuca, P. Canciglia, M. Portaccio, F. S. Gaeta and D. G. Mita
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Enzymatic resolution of 2-phenyl-1-propanol by enantioselective hydrolysis of its ester having a bulky group in an acyl moiety ARTICLE
Pages 245-250
Michimasa Goto, Masashi Kawasaki and Tadashi Kometani
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Kinetic resolution of a diltiazem intermediate by lipase-catalyzed enantioselective alcoholysis ARTICLE
Pages 251-257
Michal Shapira-Levinger and Ayelet Fishman
Abstract | PDF (280 K)
Catalytic activity of Teflon particle-immobilized protease in aqueous solution ARTICLE
Pages 259-267
Rehana Afrin, Tetsuya Haruyama, Yasuko Yanagida, Eriy Kobatake and Masuo Aizawa
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Immobilization of lipase on a new inorganic ceramics support, toyonite, and the reactivity and enantioselectivity of the immobilized lipase ARTICLE
Pages 269-274
Masanobu Kamori, Tsuyoshi Hori, Yoshitaka Yamashita, Yoshihiko Hirose and Yoshinobu Naoshima
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Penicillin acylase-catalyzed synthesis of cefazolin in water–solvent mixtures: enhancement effect of ethyl acetate and carbon tetrachloride on the synthetic yield ARTICLE
Pages 275-281
Chan B. Park, Sun Bok Lee and Dewey D. Y. Ryu
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Properties of a cobalt-reactivated form of yeast alcohol dehydrogenase ARTICLE
Pages 283-291
A. Vanni, E. Pessione, L. Anfossi, C. Baggiani, M. Cavaletto, M. Gulmini and C. Giunta
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Polyoxometalates as promoters of laccase-assisted reactions SHORT COMMUNICATION
Pages 293-295
Andrea Carneiro, Ana Abreu, Dmitry V. Evtuguin, Carlos Pascoal Neto, Georg Guebitz and Artur Cavaco Paulo
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Pages 297-298

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Pages 299-302

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